Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's a kid's life!

This week began with J's class hosting the SJV school assembly. All the kids were very enthusiastic and performed their parts well. J had to say part of the prayer and they all finished up with a wonderful song about looking after the environment.

On Thursday J, T and E had to travel to Esk in Brisbane's west to film a Suncorp Bank television ad. What a life these kids have! A day off school, McDonald's on the way, hair and make-up, costuming, 2 hours of kicking a ball around and a play in the Brisbane river on the way home! We all went along (incl. L who had just come home from camp at school) and actually had a great day out watching the filming and spending the day together.

T getting made-up.

J was filling in for a 10 year old and his costume was a bit large. He tucked it all in and looked so cute!

T had to run past a car with a "Dad" and two kids in it.

How is this work for E?!

A koala was watching all the action from above us.

This shot of the Brisbane river was taken by Adam at Fernvale, a little town along the way home that we fell in love with. (Looks like a postcard doesn't it!) The boys had great fun skimming rocks on the glassy surface. M couldn't keep up the pace by this stage and had fallen asleep in the car.

Adam thought he might make early morning trips to seminary with L even more beneficial and took these photos this week. Mornings like these remind us why we live here!

Manly marina.

Wynnum Jetty.

Adam produced this lovely shot of M at home with the new camera. Click here to check out J's blog this week!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Spring has sprung

Last weekend we got together with some wonderful friends from our high school years. Peter and Kathy flew up to Brisbane for the weekend and Antony and Anna came over as well to catch up on old times and recent events. We had a great day and could have talked the whole weekend given the chance! It was so nice to see good friendships become even better and we all agreed that we would do it again next year. Something to look forward to. Here is a photo of all of us out to dinner at Bulimba.

Around this time last year, my sister gave me a gorgeous flowering orchid. It flowered for so long I almost wondered if it was a fake but eventually the flowers fell off, the stalk shrivelled and all that was left were two leaves. I looked after it rather badly and didn't expect it to do anything ever again after its below standard treatment throughout the summer but lo and behold out of the blue these gorgeous flowers emerged. Orchids are so beautiful! Thank you again Estelle!

Following last weeks premiership victory E's soccer team played in the semi-final against The Gap where they were expected to win easily. Most unfortunately they lost the game and missed out on a place in the grand final. Ironically the top 2 teams were ousted in these semis and 3rd and 4th place will play next week. E was philosophical though, as were Dragan and Dean (coaches) and the team now is looking forward to the GC Cup at the end of September for their next challenge.
Father's day for us was a beautiful sunny spring day and we celebrated down at the park flying kites and kicking a ball around. (The boys never get tired of that!) Adam was still able to dominate the play but his days may be numbered as champion as all the boys grow up so much every year!

Happy Father's Day to both our Dad's - you are amazing and we love you very much!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Soccer celebrations

On Tuesday mornings I get together with some mums from church and we have a play group for the pre-schoolers. This week it was at my house. Adam had to cut the Murraya hedge right back because it had grown so much that it was nearly up to the top of the handrail and we couldn’t see the kids in the yard! He also put up the old play equipment that the boys used to play with that has been sitting under the house for a while. It was like a Christmas present for M, she was very excited! It was a beautiful day and lovely watching the girls make a cubby house and dress up (in winter clothes would you believe; it was 30 degrees!)

This week marked the end of the club soccer season. Phew! It has been a very busy season with J, T and E all playing for the Brisbane Wolves. All three have been very successful with their teams and enjoyed themselves immensely (which makes all the driving, washing and organisation worth it!) It will be nice, however, to have a break from the seven training sessions and three games every week!

E played two games to finish off, the first against the Brisbane Lions and the second against their arch-nemesis, Rochdale. His team won both games and finished off the season undefeated, winning the premiership! In his competition they then play semi-finals and finals which will be held in the next couple of weeks.

Here are some photos of T and J's presentation/fun day on Saturday.

L and J on their weekly golf afternoon.