Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ready Set Go


Well we thought it was about time we got ourselves a blog like everyone else. Even our J has one! When seven year olds start getting into technology before you do you know it's time to get your act together! We are hoping to fill this blog with lots of photos and news and all the busyness and fun that is our family life.
At the moment we have just started term 3 at school (thank goodness crazy term 2 is over but the year is going by way to fast!)

L is in grade 9, E grade 8, T grade 5 and J grade 2. M is 3 and and likes hanging out at home but keeps asking when she can go to HER school. Next year is M's kindy year!

The boys are always busy with school and church and very interested in their sporting activities. L is a keen golfer and recently competed in the Bargara Junior Classic at Bundaberg with a handicap of 12. E plays soccer for the Brisbane Wolves in the Brisbane Junior League which is the top competition for U13's. Their team is leading at the moment with 9 wins for 9 games. T also plays for the Wolves in an U10 team and was recently selected to play with the U10 development squad. J plays in a Wolves U7 team with all his friends from school and last week scored 6 out of their 10 goals! All the boys are learning to play the piano.

M, as you can imagine is being trained up by all the boys to be the next female soccer star and has quite a kick on her but with ballet lessons starting next week it will be interesting to see what she enjoys the most. My guess is ballet considering she has been running around the house in her leotard and tights for the last 6 months!

A is playing golf as I write this and is trying to get back into the game again after a long break because of his back. He's been all better for a while now but has a lot of spare time on his hands at the moment with work and is making the most of the lovely winter weather. I am all in favour of this as it is a nice stress release for him and he always comes home happy (even when he plays badly!)

I am a jack of all trades and master of none and accordingly have about 5 projects going at once. I can't seem to put my knitting down (a great little top-down s/sl top on a circular needle) but am also working on sewing my handbags, decorating our bedroom, some dresses for Molly, another painting and more knitting! Ahh so many projects, so little time!

We are moving house and building again in the near future so that will probably be my focus and take up most of my time very soon.


Winter is on the way out here (Yay!) after our month or so of cold and the air even had that beautiful smell of spring in it today (courtesy of some back burning in the bush I think) and we are looking forward to the summer.

I am tempted to do a catch up on all our recent news and events but I think I will leave it there and blog what is going on with us from now on.


  1. Hi V and Family!
    This is the first blog we're following and look forward to catching up with all your activities. Just wish we were all a little bit closer geographically but hopefully we can see each other again soon.

    Love Katrina, Graeme.Elizabeth and Nathan
