Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life's ups and downs

Unfortunately the week started off badly with some close friends and their kids involved in a serious car accident. My friend Isa had significant injuries to her ear and head, and several broken ribs, while the other members of her family were released from hospital with broken bones and bruises. It was a miracle none of the kids were badly injured. After having a blessing, and spending the week in hospital, Isa made an amazing recovery that had the doctors astounded. We were all very relieved to hear she will make a full recovery and is now back at home with her family.

J was the only one of the boys that had not been to the Ekka (Brisbane Show) for a few years, so A and I decided to take him and M on Tuesday while the big boys were at school. We had a lovely time; it was sunny and warm and as we arrived early, it wasn’t busy at all. We got in and saw what we wanted to see, grabbed the show bags for the boys and were out by 1pm. Perfect! The best part was seeing Molly and Jordan with the baby animals and holding the baby chickens, except Jordan was adamant that he did not want to live on a farm!

Some of the sheep and goats were very cheeky, but there was one baby calf in particular that we fell in love with, he was so gentle. I love how A focused on his eyes in this photo!

Then as is the Brisbane tradition the kids had Wednesday (show day) off school and another two off for good measure! So we filled the rest of the week with movies, shopping and golf while stuffing our faces with all sorts of show bag goodies. Lucky it only happens once a year!

After rushing around as usual on Saturday, I learnt a valuable lesson about slowing down after I took a nasty fall in the golf club car park. Ouch! Fortunately my arms and hands took most of the impact but my chin hit the gravel with such a crack, I thought I might have damaged my jaw. Apart from some bleeding and bruising on my chin and hands I was ok. No one else was around but the kids were so concerned for me it was rather sweet. I haven't done that in such a long time I forgot how much it hurts. I promise to be much more sympathetic with the kids from now on when they fall!

For those of you that have seen me madly knitting my top-down circular needle short-sleeved top, it's finished!! If you want to see how it turned out click here to go to my other blog.

1 comment:

  1. This is a truth that in life there are many up's and down's. but never loose your patience...


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