Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ballet baby

This week M started ballet lessons. She was so gorgeous all dressed up in her leotard, tights and ballet shoes! She was very excited to have a little friend there and stood right at the front. She was a little new to ballet 'speak' though and when the teacher said point your toes, she pointed to her toes! So funny! There was no shortage of enthusiasm though and she seemed to love every minute of it.

Here is a little video of her-

And it was excursion central around here with J at an environmental centre (check out his blog for details!), L at Ikea for Commerce (A and I just happened to bump into him!) on Wednesday and E at South Bank on Thursday.

After a last minute invitation to the Iona Foundation dinner from a VB friend and a desperate call for babysitters, we flew Mum and Dad B (thanks again!!) up on Friday afternoon for the weekend.

Several games of soccer later and arming Grandma and Papa with pizzas and movies on Saturday night we left the happy bunch for a great night at the Gabba function rooms.

There were about 650 people attending and it was a very entertaining night with a few top Australian sportsmen telling some fabulous yarns! The other highlight was the 5 star food which was a bit different from the usual pizza and hamburgers that seems to be popular around here!

M desperately wanted to come too. It took some serious negotiating to get out of the door without her!

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