Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beautiful spring!

This week E found out (much to his dismay!) that he has to get braces and 4 teeth removed. He insisted that he wouldn't care if he had crooked teeth when he was older, but we begged to differ! Trust us E, we wouldn't be paying the $$$ for them if we didn't think you would change your mind one day!!

Adam and T went off to the Iona grade 5 school camp this week for three days of action packed fun. They went to Australia Zoo, King's Beach, did camp craft, survival exercises, played mugby (rugby in the mud), did tie-dyeing, sock puppet making, you name it! Adam drove the school's 22 seater bus (his free ticket to ALL the camps!) and couldn't believe that after all that, the boys still had some energy left on the last afternoon for another trip to the beach, before returning back to school on Friday.

The next morning we found out, after a visit to our family doctor, that T had contracted an infection through a blister on his foot. He went down-hill kind of fast so we knew something was going on but fortunately he responded well to the antibiotics he was given and returned to full health again by Saturday night! We are always very careful with these types of infections after Dad's brush with Golden Staph several years ago.

It was a beautiful day here on Saturday and while T rested, L played golf and Adam studied for his sim check next week, I took M, J , E and two friends down to the wading pool for a spring swim.

Ethan dropped a crab in the pool and couldn't find it again!

L was tested this week to see if he knew his 25 scripture mastery scriptures from this year's Seminary class. There has been a group of about 17 youth studying the New Testament in Manly Ward and he was the only one in his class to know all 25 from memory! His teachers (and us!!) were very proud of him for his first year of seminary and he was awarded a little black hymn book by the Bishop at Friday night's graduation party at Sizzler. (Well done L!)

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