Wednesday, October 28, 2009

iShop, iSwim, iPod

Adam had a lot of days on reserve this week, so we went shopping (yay - I love shopping with Adam) and we got almost all our Christmas shopping done - shock horror - this level of organisation is just unheard of!!

And after many months of saving and payment for doing their ad the boys all got their new iPod touch's (J got a Classic) and they disappeared into a strangely quiet world for a day or two while they loaded them all up with games, videos, music and applications. Adam, our resident expert in the field took charge and I, having just got Adam's hand-me-down iPhone, followed along happily getting lots of tips and advice from the kids on what I should put on it (thanks guys!)

I love our tropical weather! We have come to my favourite time of year with the stormy afternoons, night rain and crystal clear sunny mornings. We are trying to make the most of the beautiful weather now that we have a little less to do on a Saturday so we headed down to the wading pool with the Douglas family. It was a very windy afternoon but don't you love how kids make the most of every situation and after a long swim in the warm water they all had a "throw your towel in the air and see how far it flies competition!" (We had to do a few road retrievals!) Rob had his new kayak and gave the kids a turn in the choppy waves of Moreton Bay. We came back to the house and I helped the little kids make double chocolate brownies for dessert. YUM!

M went to her pre-prep (kindy) orientation on Saturday. She will be going to the same kindy that T and J did, for two days a week next year. She loved it and keeps asking when she can go to 'her school'!

T and J both got awards at school this week.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can teach me how to make the most of my itouch?! I have one for work, but only really use it to listen to music on the bus on the way there. A. xx
