Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas and the new year

Well I am going to try and condense two of the busiest weeks of the year into one post in the interest of time and efficiency. As it is the summer holidays and nothing is getting done around here yet there is never enough time to do anything I thought it best that I make the most of the free time that I have on the computer. So here goes!

This Christmas/New Year was spent on the Central Coast of NSW with our families. We arrived a few days before Christmas day in time to go to the Payne family reunion/Christmas party which was a lot of fun. It was great to catch up with the aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids, some of whom we hadn't seen in a few years.

Christmas was a joyous occasion and we spent the day at Mum and Dad's house with Estelle and Johann and the kids, eating, swimming and sharing presents.

We visited Adam's Nanna and Uncle Nick on Boxing Day and had some of her yummy pasta; it was lovely to see them after so long.

We had the annual Family Golf Championship at Wyong Golf course, this time with carts. It was so much fun letting the kids drive. Heaven help us when they are 16! L was the winner of the day and his name shall be etched on the Championship Shield.

We welcomed in the new year by visiting my dear friend from school, Cheryl, then later at Estelle's house in Newcastle. There we watched the fireworks from her backyard high above Merewether.

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