Wednesday, May 5, 2010

January 2010

January school holidays were as they should be, long and lazy (with the emphasis on lazy!) After returning from the central coast we spent the majority of our time going to the beach or park, playing golf or soccer. It rained a bit here in Brisbane in January which was great for our dams and good for us going to the movies!

Australia Day was a great day spent with our good friends the Douglas family at The Spit on the Gold Coast. The canoe was christened after a long hiatus and didn't sink which was good (!) and the kids had so much fun paddling it around.

Unfortunately M took a trip to the hospital for some staples after an altercation with the sliding door rail. She was very brave and recovered quickly as you can see.

Preparations got underway for the start of school and M got very excited about her first day at Kindy!

Molly snapped this photo of me knitting.

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