Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Up, up and away!

This week we had a mini Barr family Christmas party with Dave and Lou and O and A. All the cousins had a lovely time getting together and exchanging presents while Adam and I and Dave and Lou relaxed and enjoyed the afternoon. L and E went caroling with the youth from church before we remembered to get out the camera but here are the rest of the crew.

On Tuesday L, E and T flew down to Newcastle to visit Nanny and Poppy for a week and spent their time playing golf, swimming in the pool and going to the movies. Ted was also there at Nanny and Poppy’s holiday camp (since we went to Burleigh) and was very pleased to see them all. We got phone calls every day detailing their adventures!

Those of us left behind at home, Adam, J, M and me, made the most of the situation and finished all our Christmas shopping, had visitors over and did some tie dying of T-shirts to give as presents to the older kids. Adam played golf with J and his friend B and then we spent the rest of the week preparing for our trip down to the Central Coast of NSW for Christmas.

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