Wednesday, May 5, 2010

April 2010

What's not to love about April?! Easter, holidays, fun, chocolate, my birthday, presents and spoiling! Doesn't get much better!
Jordan won this giant bunny in the local newsagent's Easter colouring competition!
Daddy, stop stealing the Easter eggs!
Working out the egg count with Nanny and Poppy.

We have been taking advantage of the gorgeous Autumn weather with lots of afternoon picnics in the park.

Pleeeeease, can we play soccer now?

It's a hard life!

Ted and Bonnie

Even Nanny and Poppy had a go.

My 40th birthday celebrations

Adam made me pancakes with blueberries for breakfast. Yum!

Spending the day at Montville.

Yum! Birthday cake

L won his Pennants golf tournament against Keppera Golf Club with Poppy as Caddie and Dad as photographer.

Estelle, Johann and the cousins visited us for my birthday, we had a great week. Here we are enjoying a day of swimming and fishing at The Spit.

Soldier crabs by the bucket load.

Adam, getting ready to fish.

Estelle and little baby Sofia.

Johann taking the kids for a canoe.

Jordan's fish.

When I open my eyes it better be gone!!

The fishing pro.

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