Wednesday, May 5, 2010

March 2010

March was full of birthday parties. Mum and L share their birthday and they were almost joined by the newest edition to the family Estelle's little Sofia, but she was born just after midnight on the 5th. L is now 15 and aviation crazy so his presents all reflected this passion.

Happy St Patrick's Day! J's class performed a Irish themed dance at the school and Adam cooked us up some disgusting looking but delicious GREEN porridge!

Because our birthday's are 43 days apart, Adam and I divided the time in between and had a few parties with our family and friends to celebrate our 40th's. It was great!

'40' themed t-shirts courtesy of our good friend Julie!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to hear what you've been up to and to see some beautiful new photos of course. We've been thinking of you and wondering when you're next free for a catch up??? Hope to speak to you/see you soon. Love The A Team xxxx
