Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Camps and carnivals

This week the kids went back to school for their last term of the year. 9 weeks to go for J, 8 for the other boys, then it's summer holidays, wow!

With the end of soccer season comes the beginning of Futsal and Indoor soccer (we are crazy I know!) J is playing indoor with his team and as the competition is played according to skill, their first game was against 12 year olds, much to their surprise. Accordingly they lost 6-1 but they were still pleased to have scored one goal against some much larger boys!

T is competing in a Futsal competition with a team made up with some boys from the development squad. Futsal is similar to soccer but with only 4 players per team on a smaller court.

Adam appeared in an advertisement for Delfin this week. Delfin is a Lend Lease development company selling houses at the Hyatt Regency at Coolum on the Sunshine Coast. They shot the ad over three days, showing Adam getting out of a BMW and going into one of the houses, playing golf and having dinner at the restaurant (tough gig!!) Unfortunately I don't have any photos! The ad will be on tv late November so we will be looking out for it! (We spotted the boy's Suncorp ad the other day and it is really good. You see the boys only fleetingly, playing rugby league together, but they were very excited to see themselves.)

On the weekend Adam looked after the kids while I went to the Iona Mother's Camp. This was held at the school's camp near Perigian Beach, just south of Noosa. It is such a lovely spot and we were very impressed with the camp and its surroundings. We all agreed our boys were very lucky to have such great facilities.

I arrived on the Saturday morning and met up with my lovely friend, Julie and some of her friends at the Eumundi markets. We had a wonderful day indulging in hours of market scouring, followed by a gorgeous lunch at Monteville, more shopping in the antique and collectible shops at Monteville finishing off with an indulgent afternoon tea and some final browsing. I don't think I have done that much shopping since L was born fourteen years ago! It was an amazing day and I got some lovely Christmas presents and knick knacks.

On our return to the camp we enjoyed a lovely dinner with everyone decked out in the night's pink theme and had lots of fun socialising. Sleep was a little sporadic as it usually is when you share a 30 berth cabin and hear every noise and snore but the next day we weren't too worse for wear. I enjoyed a nice walk to the lake with some of the girls before breakfast and then I made the journey home.

Adam had a very busy Saturday while I was away, taking kids to golf and the Spring Fair at the end of the street. Everyone had a ball but I think M enjoyed her carousel and pony ride the most from the photos Adam texted to me. Adam was exhausted at the end of the day!

And E had yet another soccer presentation, this time to award the boys with their premiership medals. The club put on a fun day as well with carnival type activities which the kids enjoyed again! Here is E, first with a few team mates, and second receiving his medal from Dragan.

L, J and T all made the most of the day!

L got involved in a University of Queensland inter-school competition this week to design a moon settlement. Together with 9 other boys and 10 girls from Lourdes Hill Girls School, the team worked hard this week to put together a proposal and are hoping to be selected to compete again over several days in January. Several of the team members were seniors who made it through last years competitions to go to NASA and compete internationally, something L is hoping to have a chance to do in senior school.

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