Monday, October 5, 2009

End of term

I had great plans to have everything organised by the time we went off to NZ but there are times in life when something has to give and this blog entry was one of them! So back we go now to the last week of term three which was busy, busy, busy!

L started off the week well and was very happy with a distinction in the national science competition, earning him a place in the top 6% of students. Well done L! He was doubly happy when asked by the Head teacher of the Commerce/Aviation department at Iona to assist at a teacher’s conference on Aviation Studies in October. Lachlan and another boy from the senior school will be demonstrating the fight simulator’s capabilities in front of approx. 25 of the top schools in Brisbane.

J was the latest in the line to take Ted to school for Show and Tell. Fortunately Ted had recently returned from a visit to the doggy beautician and was looking clean and white for a change so A and I agreed. Ted lapped up all the attention and was very well behaved (thank goodness!) J beamed with pride and told everyone that Ted normally looked a LOT hairier, luckily he didn’t say he was normally a lot smellier!! Ted was paraded around the room in front of his adoring fans and cuddled by every person there!

The boy’s have piano lessons every Wednesday afternoon at our home with their teacher Ruth. We have seen steady progress this term and less protestations from Ethan and Lachlan so things seem to be going well! Tasman has decided to do exams and take piano through to year 12 as an additional matriculation subject, so he is very keen. Here are some videos of J and T practicing in the morning.

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