Thursday, October 22, 2009

Encore Encore!

This week we all attended the U13 Wolves presentation dinner. This was a very nice celebration of the achievements of Ethan's soccer team. We all had a wonderful evening and it was great to have the opportunity to thank Dean and Dragan formally for their hard work in coaching. The boys of the team have been together for three years now so they are all good friends and it was nice to see them in a relaxed setting having fun together. We had a great night and Molly was particularly impressed with her party bag full of stickers and pencils!

At church we had a Ward Talent night and Adam performed a song called 'Angel' by Jack Johnson with his guitar and T played a song that he has been learning for his first piano exam coming up soon. Both of them were amazing and performed very well to huge accolades. I will try and post the videos as soon as I can work out how to get a small section as they are too long to download here.

Towards the end of the night we performed as a family with Adam and E playing guitar and the rest of us on vocals. We sang a lovely song by the Jonas brothers called "Love Bug". Unfortunately Jordan couldn't sing as he had a cold but I think the rest of us did a pretty good job and Molly stole the show by making sure she was singing directly into the microphone in the middle of us! She didn't know all the words but sang the chorus beautifully!

Here are E and M making Blu-tac dinosaurs.

This is Adam mucking around with the Skype special effects. We were all literally rolling around on the floor laughing at some of the faces!

1 comment:

  1. Mr A was telling me about all of your musical talents. What a beautiful thing to share as a family! A. xx
