Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bring on the summer holidays!

Bill, Adam and Paul at the airport in Hawaii.

Yay! Adam's home! We all raced out to the airport at 1:30pm on Monday, straight after L finished an exam, to see Adam fly into Brisbane in the new Embraer. It was very shiny and new but no where near as impressive as seeing Adam waving in the front window as they pulled up to the gate! The boys all met him in the baggage area and lugged his hoard of bags and presents through to the car. We had a wonderful evening going through all our presents (incl. three pairs of Brazillian sandals for me!) and watching a slide show of all his adventures. It was great to have him home, we missed him!

(Here is the Jim Shore nativity that Adam got me, Mum)

One of the presents that Adam got the boys was some 5 gum flavours only available in the USA. The boys sold them by the piece to all their friends who wanted them and made about $15-20 each. We had no idea they were such entrepreneurs but then again their Dad did the same thing when Hubba Bubba bubble gum first came out about 30 years ago. Like father like son(s)!!

This was the big boys last week of school for the year so on Tuesday Adam and I decided to go Christmas shopping while we could without an entourage! By Wednesday however, jet lag hit and Adam slept practically the whole day away!

The end of the week was spent quietly at home while Adam got re accustomed to our time zone again and the kids celebrated the end of school by lying around watching TV. Those who didn't go to golf or a friend's house went out and bought Jordan a new soccer ball because he still has one week of school to go and we promised him a surprise for being so good!

Things have slowed down so drastically around here now, we hardly know ourselves! Ahhh lovely summer.......maybe there's time to do some knitting again!

1 comment:

  1. We are on school hol's now too. Have just shown the kids all your great photos and we can't believe how big they all are now, expecially T, he's nearly as big as E. M looks absolutely fabulous in her dance outfits!!!

    Love to all
