Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ballet and Brazil

This week was thankfully a little quieter than the last. Being the second last week of the school year the big boys (L,E and T) were all busy with assignments and exams. Accordingly M and J had the most fun this week.

M got her Ballet and Jazz costumes this week for their end of year concert in a few weeks, which was very exciting! At the same time she had photos taken with her class for which hair and make-up had to be done. That was an adventure! After attempt no. 1 I left M for a minute to go and get a brush only to return to her with panda eyes! That is why 3 year olds don't wear make-up! After a little instruction on NOT rubbing eyes after applying eye make-up we had another go and then curled her hair. She was very impressed with her new look!

On Saturday we went to cousin A's 3rd Birthday party where there was a jumping castle and lots of water, games and activities to keep all the little ones busy. The cake was a huge hit!

J had a moment of glory when he was selected to be a mascot for the Roar A-League Football team for a game at Suncorp stadium. Jordan got to participate with two of his school friends and all the boys were given shirts to wear on the day and keep. J got to walk out with Sergio Van Dyk the team's striker and had a great time. (Just click on any of the photos to enlarge them - J is fourth from the right in the team photo)

Adam had a good time in Brazil particularly eating dinner at a restaurant called Villa D'aldeia where they were served various meats etc on huge swords. They had a special dial on their table to say if they wanted more meat or not. As you can imagine with it being all you could eat a good time was had by all the pilots and engineers who went. Not one for the vegetarians that's for sure!

On Wednesday Adam, Paul (the other pilot) and Bill (the engineer), flew to Curacao in the Caribbean for a day and then to Tuscon, Arizona. Here are some photos of his adventures.

Pizza by the metre in Brazil.

Amazon River from 38,000ft.

The Hilton Beach Lagoon in Curacao.

Adam and Paul hard at work in the Caribbean.

This is why it is the Dutch Antilles.

Before the meal at Famous Dave's in Tuscon.


Titan Missile silo in Tuscon.

Now this is catering - Sushi from San Jose (eaten somewhere over the Pacific Ocean)

Hard at work again in Lihue on the island of Kauai.

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