Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winding down

This week the boys started their school holidays, spending their days with friends and playing golf. Unfortunately for J, he still had another week left to finish so we tried to stick to the normal routine as much as possible for his sake but he did have a swimming fun-day on the Wednesday that finished at lunchtime and he finished school early on Thursday to go see a 3D movie with the other boys and Adam. J didn’t seem to mind too much!

After Molly’s dress rehearsal for the ballet concert on Saturday and some packing instruction for the boys from Adam, we headed off to the beach at Burleigh for a week with the Stendell family, our good friends from Melbourne. After the exams, assignments and commitments of the last few weeks the beach is a wonderful way for the kids (and us!) to wind down from that go-go-go mentality.

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